Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The real character of a human is proven in wars and disasters.

When looking at the real power behind our current world governments, I’ve written about how the elite can show themselves as human by participating in cleaning up the mess their corporations create such as the Deep Horizon disaster or the Chevron catastrophe in Ecuador. Each time they seem to fail miserably and abdicate the resolution to the masses. A disaster which will make the Deep Horizon look like a blip has been created by poorly designed nuclear reactors and those responsible are nowhere to be found. This disaster showcases how humans do not know squat about nuclear technology (that hadron collider is going to be another disaster in the making). Will the past and current leadership of GE go and save Japan from the Armageddon they are facing when the 6 reactors go thermal? Not likely, they will dally along to a private bunker and wait until the courageous serfs of society fix the damn thing or die trying.

In the face of adversities the brave and courageous come through while the elite abdicate their responsibility, of this I can assert with impunity.
Now is the time for the elite to state their objectives and show the world it has things in control. We don’t need more mercenaries, weapons, or rhetoric. We need courageous souls willing to sacrifice themselves for humanity. Taking photo ops in other countries that we have subjugated to oppression via our lackeys does not count.

Bankers flee Tokyo

Take heed you Californians, a reputable Geologist has predicted a forthcoming earthquake in March and you have a few days to prepare if you so desire.
California Earthquake Prediction in March

Now back to your regular scheduled program.

1 comment:

  1. Another person puts this in more detail here.


Who will be the leaders of the people? A year that will live in infamy, 2024.

I find it interesting that many people are just now seeing the impact the Cabal has had in our society.  I see and hear of various new truth...