Monday, March 14, 2011

Father Sun and Mother Earth fight back against the ruling elite’s pursuit of global dominance.

Well it is now going to be a run to see who has the best hindsight now that Japan's nuclear reactors are in serious trouble.
What I don't understand is why everyone is making it seem that this was such a surprise. Chernobyl, Three Mile Island etc.
have proven that this technology is not full proof. What do the mega-scientist say when all their handiwork falls flat?
The corporations and government entities that support these technologies will not suffer as much as the people that will be exposed to the fallout. Didn't anyone hear of the Tesla Coil from over a hundred years ago? Why wasn't this energy source persued rather than nuclear reactors? I know the answer ($). There is also another form of technology that uses Thorium rather than Uranium as fissile material which could have been supposedly safer in the long-run. But no, we insist on spending money on our military toys and weaponary to kill people througout the planet.

Father Sun and Mother Nature are pissed and I can only say they are much more powerfull than anything man can dream up.
Eventually nature will take care of us all and start anew. We surely have not proven to God, Allah, Buddah, etc that we
are smart enough to help take care of this planet or ourselves hence it will do it for us. I believe this year will be a litmus test
for humanity to see if we can make it for another 100 years without radiating ourselves to death or destroying our means
of sustanance.

Best to all of those that want to see a better future for our prodginy. My heart goes out to the Japanese people that have proven they can show the world a thing or two on what it takes to be a civilized society. Maybe General Electric will provide all the necessary health care needed for those that have risked their lives working in their designed plants and the people that will suffer from the radiation exposure.

The ruling elite should just take their mega yachts and go to their safe havens wherever they are and leave humanity alone to fix their mess and let us rebuild under some far more sustainable methods. There are people that want to help mankind not destroy it and should be given the chance. I personally know of several groups that have been in the pursuit of new technologies to help us lead a more sustainable life but again our government and the elite prefer to fund arms and unsafe energy objectives like oil and nuclear power. What does an Ivy League degree mean when there is no planet to plunder anymore?

Oh the ruling elite and upper crust prefer to partake in activities such as this in case you want to see how they feel about humanity.

Elites form of entertainment

1 comment:

  1. Just to add some information. After the Deep Horizon disaster the media and gov't did fully disclose the magnitude of the event. I'm sure this nuclear disaster will be far worse when all is said and done. Six reactors within close proximity and two are failing already does not bode well to stop this reaction. Humans are aftraid of radioactivity and the elite do not care what happens as long as they have their bunkers.


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