Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Global Solution for the economy.

As much as I would like to continue adding my 2 cents to the world issues it is now time to take action. Having witnessed the chaos the U.S. and other nations have caused the world over the past decade I decided to work on solutions. Having closed out my 401k accounts and I just received a stipend from a close friend to cover my small expenses for a few months I will develop my solution and post it on April 15, 2011. It is outside the box thinking with a focus on solving our biggest problems. If the ruling elite can't get the job done without starting WWIII I just might be able to present them to the world in the near future.

It is based on sustainable development in-line with the Venus and Eden Projects. See links below.

Eden Project

Venus Project

Take Care fellow Humans and stay frosty.


During this time you may want to read up on current events at these sights.

What Really Happened

The TruthSeeker



  1. Excellent! This is exactly what the world needs, free minds and energies applied toward workable solutions for the future. May the divine within you and behind all things inspire (= breathe life and insight into) and bless your work.

  2. Many thanks. The Devine is my biggest contributor and the impetus for all that I do.


Western Nations need to join AA but instead of alcoholism it should now be designated WAS (War Addiction Syndrome)

Here are some items to ponder if you come across this Blog and happen to read it.  1. The cause of most wars nowadays is due to an addiction...