Saturday, January 20, 2024

Rest in Peace Gonzalo Lira: Another casualty of Free Speech.

 This is not shown in MSM because it involves a journalist who went against the narrative and was subsequently imprisoned and probably tortured for voicing his views on a very controversial topic. The WAR in Ukraine.  I suppose this will be neglected by those who are manning the presses. So much for free speech and any U.S. citizen living in a country that does not adhere to our western standards will be subject to arrest and who know what else. Oh yea lets send them more money and weapons to help bring democracy to the masses. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Davos Vision for our future. Eliminate any non compliance entities that deter their global vision.

This is why it is becoming harder to voice any dissension to the World Economic Forums vision for the future. By eliminating our rights of questioning or selecting a party that allows free thought, and personal beliefs in liberty we will become a world of androids and robots that are programed via propaganda and mainstream media. Individuals such as Kim Iverson will be a voice of reason and prophecy of what is to become of humanity. 

Explorans Algorithmus Veritatis

 This is a journey worth exploring and I'm taking a bit of a hiatus from this blog to research some very interesting areas of Truth Seek...