Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Explorans Algorithmus Veritatis

 This is a journey worth exploring and I'm taking a bit of a hiatus from this blog to research some very interesting areas of Truth Seeking before the Cabals decide to do something ignorant like start another World War. They (the Cabals) have made up their minds up on how things will progress and have not really considered the ramifications or do not understand how little they control in the long run. My take is they created this fiasco and no amount of protest by the masses matter to them. The divine and Great Omnipotent Deity will bring justice to them in his time and it will not be pretty.  The music industry is facing some of the repercussions of their past actions  (see Puff Diddy) Hollywood (Weinstein) and Political factions like (Democrats and Republicans) are also on the road to Vegas and it Ain't Pretty.

This interview says a lot about who runs the governments and the control they have over our weapons systems. This is why the wealthy are building bunkers for themselves. When the truth comes out they will find these bunkers are worthless and justice will be served.

Listen to this clip from a movie called "A face in the crowd" it will show you how the Cabals perceive the masses.

When the Algorithm of Truth comes upon you, your world view changes.

How is it that much of the world population only exist to serve the few? Natural resources are used to provide them with with bling and foliage of false success. How do we break the paradigm and grow as a species?  

'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Stop listening to the past and current narrative of the Cabal and do yourself a favor to the world. Take a look at what is being presented and follow your own compass.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Finding the Algorithm of Truth in the world of deception. A journey worth exploring.

 As this blog focused on past and current history of events which many are not privy to unless you are in the Cabal's club. It is time to resurrect how the universe actually works. It is not by focusing on money or material things I can assure you. It is by reaching out and exploring other possibilities for what the Great Omnipotent Deity is trying to tell us. We are certainly at the end of whatever control they have on us humans and we need to understand our new roles in society. I believe it is to educate and help those of us willing to put in the work for better solutions.  How is it that WARs and Fiat (FAKE} currency has dominated our view of society.  This is not meant to be our final hour. If the Cabal decides to create a scenario whereby WW3 comes to fruition we are going to be given a test of wills.  Do we allow them to continue the status quo or do we look at the presence of a higher power which they do not control?

Maybe we should listen to this message and do some research on the "Flower of Life" please disregard the messenger and listen to the message before making any assumptions. If knowledge is power how is it this symbol is not taught in schools? What are they afraid of by not teaching such things in our current educational systems? Oh yea, they just need some peasant minded people to do all the work for them. Let's see if the masses can see the deception by the ruling Cabal before it is to late?

They are approving the steps to WW3.
U.S. Cabal has just approved to Global War once again.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Delta Force Arrests Klaus Schwab. A new sheriff is in town and arrest are being made. Let's see if the MSM reports this accurately.

At last, one of the main culprits of the Western nations downfall has apparently been arrested. This is a big question mark since no established organization has said anything but to indicate he has been hospitalized. We can only surmise from this video and article that this Jackal is in his final days of causing so much grief to the world.  How he achieved his position is beyond our understanding from the laymen's point of view. Lets see how things progress. 

Delta Force Arrests Klaus Schwab

Snopes summary of this event.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The criminals of the Cabals seem to reign free regardless of the crimes they commit.

How is the evidence of  these crimes not being disclosed to the masses?. This should have been in MSM years ago. The cabals do not want nations to be free and self sufficient. Heaven forbid any nation that seeks autonomy from a debt burden economy. 

Watch and do your own research. Has this occurred before? Yes it has and on many occasions in my research. What are chances the new Iran war is being masterminded by the Cabals once again?

Friday, April 12, 2024

Will the truth regarding Oct 7, 2023 really be exposed on MSM?

The purpose of this post is to educate and present evidence to those wishing to learn more about how things are orchestrated  to conceal the nefarious machinations of the ruling Cabal. They know what they are doing and only those wishing to stay ignorant are convinced this war is caused by a group of prisoners seeking to eradicate their own nation. How convenient is it for them to lead us to another war when so much is at stake?  Will the masses wake up in time? Only time will tell. Watch these videos and make up your own mind.

Take a look at this link and do your own research and make up your own conclusion.

The Corruption of the West.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

America is given its options to settle things in Gaza. Who is paying attention?


Of course this is not in the mainstream media. What will the masses do? Every country will be impacted if these dictates are not met by the U.S. It is amazing that one country controls so much and says otherwise. 

World War III is inivitable according to this reporter.  

Nukes will be used if America does not support Israel.

Friday, April 5, 2024

A brief respite from the insanity of Global issues.

I took a bit of time off to reflect over the Easter week and contemplate our Global predicament. Various countries continue to wage war on one another for reasons only the Cabal leaders know. Although some of the independent media is bringing forth more evidence of who the culprits are but the masses are still sheep awaiting their demise. Have we just starting to notice what these individuals have been stating for years. Awaken or suffer the atrocities the Cabal leaders have in store for us.

Our mini Sparta

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Algorithm of Truth has spoken. Let Freedom Reign in the Middle East

This is the best news of the week and should be all over the main main stream media. Lets see how the world reacts to this immediate ceasefire which is mandated by the U.N. Security Council. The world is watching and will document all crimes if the resolution are not followed. May all nations stand for human rights.


Monday, March 25, 2024

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Draft Resolution Hoax Backfires in US Security Council Debacle

 We can now see how U.S. diplomacy works by finally reading the proposal submitted to the U.N.. As expected it was vetoed and the Genocide of Gaza will continue until the Cabal leaders whoever they are (we know see Source) and are running this operation are dealt with post haste. Humanity is at stake if this continues to escalate.

Wolfgang Eggert – Zionists are Behind Moscow Terror Attack

Draft Resolution Hoax Backfires in US Security Council Debacle

After six months of blocking ceasefire resolutions at the United Nations, the US delegation submitted its own draft resolution on Friday ostensibly aimed at stopping the hostilities so humanitarian aid can reach the starving people of Gaza. Unfortunately, the American team linked the proposed ceasefire to the release of hostages and to the repudiation of Hamas which merely restates the Israeli position on a final settlement. The draft resolution also failed to explicitly demand an immediate ceasefire, but inserted deliberately-ambiguous language intended to give Israel sufficient legal flexibility to continue its aggression. In short, the US draft resolution was a cynical hoax concocted by the backers of Israel’s bloody campaign in Gaza that blew up in the US delegations face heaping more shame on the administration and the American people.

The media’s coverage of the ceasefire fiasco has been predictably biased and deceptive. The US delegation did not “call” for an “immediate ceasefire” as has been widely reported in the West. In fact, that was the issue that prompted the Russian and Chinese vetoes. What the draft resolution said was that “an immediate and sustained ceasefire” was “imperative.” There is a world of difference between a resolution that invokes the authority of the UN to ‘demand’ a ceasefire, and one that merely says a ceasefire is necessary. And, it is a difference that senior-level diplomats fully grasp, because in diplomacy, words matter. The words that the US delegation chose, were intentionally chosen to subvert the process, link the ceasefire to a release of the hostages, and to give Israel a green light to continue its military operations until a diplomatic agreement could be reached. The Russian ambassador summed it up like this:

If this resolution were adopted, it would definitively close the debate on the need for a ceasefire in Gaza, give Israel a free hand and condemn Gaza and its entire population to extermination or expulsion.

He’s right, this maliciously-worded resolution was designed to legitimize Israel’s rampage and provide legal cover for future aggression. Here is the excerpt from the US draft resolution that has drawn the most attention and criticism:

(The Security Council) Determines the imperative of an immediate and sustained ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides, allow for the delivery of essential humanitarian assistance, and alleviate humanitarian suffering, and towards that end unequivocally supports ongoing international diplomatic efforts to secure such a ceasefire in connection with the release of all remaining hostages.

And here’s a brief explanation from political analyst Trita Parsi:

The clause does not demand a ceasefire but determines that it is imperative. Its support is not directly for the ceasefire but for the negotiation process the U.S. has been co-leading and whose parameters the U.S. has sought to determine in favor of Israel. The text points out that this effort to secure a ceasefire is “in connection with the release of all remaining hostages. Why the Ceasefire Proposal Failed at the UNSCResponsible Statecraft

In other words, the draft resolution is not aimed at bringing the hostilities to an end at all but, rather, to transforming the Security Council into another battlefield on which Israel’s bloody war can be waged. So, to dismiss this meticulously-engineered hoax as merely another example of US trickery, vastly understates the real objective of the operation which is to provide legal cover for the killing of civilians. Andre Damon at the World Socialist Web Site summed it up like this:

The cynicism of Biden’s call for a “ceasefire” while continuing to fund and arm the government massacring over a hundred Palestinians every day and starving the entire Gazan population is beyond description. The Biden administration hopes that by proclaiming its support for a “ceasefire” loudly enough, it will make the world’s population forget that it fully supports and enables the US-Israeli “final solution” of the Palestinian question. The Fraud of Biden’s call for a “ceasefire” in Gaza, Andre Damon, World Socialist Web Site

The point we’ve been trying to make becomes clearer when we consider the comments of US ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield who said the following just prior to the voting:

Many of us here share the same goals. First, we want to see an immediate and sustained ceasefire as part of a deal that leads to the release of all hostages which are being held by Hamas and other groups and that will allow much more life-saving humanitarian aid to get into Gaza … By adopting the resolution before us, we can put pressure on Hamas to accept the deal on the table... I urge all council members to vote “yes”; to vote for a resolution that at long last condemns Hamas for its horrific terrorist attacks and sexual violence that makes clear that all civilians ….should be able to live without fear of violence. United Nations News (see video)

Thomas-Greenfield is mistaken; the purpose of the ceasefire is not to resolve the hostage crisis or to “condemn Hamas” or “to put pressure on Hamas to accept the deal on the table.” Those are Israel’s objectives not the Security Council’s. The purpose of the ceasefire is to stop the killing of innocent civilians and to make sure they get the food and medicine they need to survive. Full stop. As we said earlier, the US ambassador is merely parroting the demands of the Israeli government and then characterizing those demands as a ceasefire. Naturally, the Russians saw through this ruse and voted accordingly. Nevertheless, the ploy has succeeded in providing the Biden team with a welcome public relations triumph by making them look like peacemakers. (which is entirely undeserved.)

Without a doubt, the most powerful analysis of Washington’s failed draft resolution was by Russian ambassador Vassily Nebenzia who—once again—revealed himself to be principled statesman with a keen grasp of the issues. Here’s a lengthy excerpt of his comments that (predictably) appear no where in the western media and can only be found on the Kremlin website:


For six months now, the UN Security Council has been unable to adopt a resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. Time and again, the United States thwarted any attempt to do so by using a veto in cold blood as many as four times.

During that time, we have heard many different excuses from our American colleagues. For example, that it is premature to seek a ceasefire because it is necessary to give space “for Israel’s counter-terrorism efforts”; that the Council should not interfere with Washington’s “effective diplomacy on the ground”; that we should wait until Ramadan, when, they say, an agreement on a cessation of violence will definitely be made.

Now, six months later, when Gaza has been practically leveled to the ground, the US representative says without batting an eye that Washington has finally started to realize the need for a ceasefire. This leisurely thinking process by Washington has cost the lives of 32,000 Palestinian civilians, two-thirds of them women and children.

And even now we see a typical hypocritical show, when in the cloak of a “ceasefire” the United States is trying to sell to the members of the Security Council and the entire international community something else – a vague phrase about “defining the imperative of a ceasefire”. Such philosophy about ‘moral imperatives’ might seem normal in the works of Immanuel Kant, but it’s not going to save the lives of Palestinians. And that is not at all what the mandate of the UN Security Council suggests, which has a unique toolkit to demand a ceasefire and, if necessary, enforce it.

In an official interview to Al Hadath in Jeddah on 20 March, Secretary of State Blinken said, “Well, in fact, we actually have a resolution that we put forward right now that’s before the UNSC that does call for an immediate ceasefire tied to the release of hostages and we hope very much that countries will support that”. However, the US-proposed draft resolution does not make such call. It appears that either the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations or the US Secretary of State is deliberately misleading the international community.


From the very beginning, it was obvious that the “negotiations” on the draft resolution held by our American colleagues were only meant to (buy) time. All our comments and “red lines” were ignored, as well as the proposals of a number of other delegations….

The US draft is a thoroughly politicized document, which only aims at pulling on voters’ heartstrings before the US elections by throwing them a “bone” in the form of at least some mention of a “ceasefire” in GazaThe draft also seeks to consolidate US policy in the region through “terrorist labels” and to ensure impunity for Israel, whose criminal actions the draft gives no assessment to.

Let me also stress that the American draft contains a de facto green light for Israel to conduct a military operation in Rafah. At least, the sponsors have tried to make sure that nothing in their draft would prevent West Jerusalem from completing the deadly cleanup of southern Gaza.

That is actually what Washington wants. We already said that we will no longer pass meaningless resolutions that do not demand a ceasefire and lead us nowhere.

This draft must not pass with the majority of UNSC votes in order to send a message that Washington’s not even palliative but devious concepts are unacceptable. It will be extremely strange if those members of the Council (and they are the majority), who realize this and have been saying to us that the US draft is a flawed one, will now raise their hand in favor. If you do so, you will smear yourselves in disgrace.

Think what this will make you look in the eyes of the people of the Middle East and your own countries, if you support this hypocritical endeavor designed to disorient the international community and, in fact, undermine the authority of the Council by rendering it unable to influence the situation on the ground and making it “stay out of White House’s way”. Are you ready to play a part in this shameful show?

Russia will not do this. As a permanent member of the Security Council and one of the founders of the United Nations, we recognize the global historical responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and cannot allow the Council to become a tool of Washington’s destructive policy in the Middle East. If this resolution were adopted, it would definitively close the debate on the need for a ceasefire in Gaza, give Israel a free hand and condemn Gaza and its entire population to extermination or expulsion.

In our work, we are not guided by what pleases Washington or its satellites who are ready to cast a vote at the US behest, but by what is necessary for the Palestinians and what promotes peace.

We urge the members of the UN Security Council to prevent this and vote against the American draft resolution. Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at the UNSC vote on US-proposed draft resolution on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, Russian Federation

Perfectly stated.

Bravo, Vassily.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Algorithm of truth regarding Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.

I'm doing some heavy research in this area and find it interesting that these two Harvard alumni are so heavily involved in Cryptocurrency specifically bitcoin.  This explains the hype and why it may not be sustainable. These guys don't care about the future unless it involves beating Zuckerberg after what he did to them with Meta/Facebook. The clock is ticking.

This is worth taking into. Here is a look on the WhatsApp application which is another Metadata company. Mmm, what a web they weave when they practice to deceive. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Algorithm of Truth is worth listening to and to learn from as a human being.

I listened to this video to see what the results of Candace Owens interview was with a respected  Clergy. It was interesting to see how you can speak the truth but will pay a price if it is against a certain narrative. Will Candace survive the onslaught of negative publicity from a group of folks that do not like to hear the truth. Time will tell. 

God, please protect this women from the slings and arrows of lies that are communicated to the masses from the cowards who do not have the tenacity to speak to her directly and justify their actions. This is how they quiet the masses from speaking out.

Here is a recent update on freedom of speech, one of our inalienable rights as a human being. This shows you how the Algorithm of truth is prohibited from being used against certain narratives. Best wishes to Candace Owens in her future endeavors. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

This is a video worth watching if you wish to protect yourself from the slings and arrows of the virtuous.

Why aren't more of the folks that don't agree with someone's statements discussing it with them directly? Candace Owens is proving to many, that she is willing to sit down and coherently discuss many subjects. Those that don't agree with her can setup an interview and discuss things with her directly and make their points as this esteemed person did. Take an hour of your day to watch the whole episode if you want to learn how to communicate with facts and not innuendo. Well done to both parties for willing to sit down and discuss their views without any soundbites or 3rd party hearsay.  We need more of this on MSM and not overly hyped and scripted dialogue. 

Rabbi Michael Barclay

Rabbi Michael Barclay

Rabbi Michael Barclay (הרב משה ישראל בן אברם הכהן) is an American rabbi, author, and lecturer.  The founding rabbi of Temple Ner Simcha in Westlake Village, CA. (, he is recognized as an insightful theologian who integrates authentic Jewish theology into 21st century situations.

The descendant of Ukrainian rabbis from Chernigov, Rabbi Barclay was both the Hillel Director and a professor in the School of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He has lectured around the world on cross-cultural mysticism and meditation. Rabbi Barclay was also the recipient of the 2010 B’nai Zion Distinguished Humanitarian Award.

Writings and Temple Ner Simcha:

Rabbi Barclay is a frequent Torah commentator for The Jewish Journal as well as contributor for multiple periodicals including The Jewish Forward, The Jewish Times, The Acorn, and PJ Media.  He authored “Sacred Relationships.  Biblical Wisdom for Deepening Our Lives Together” (2013, Liturgical Press), a Biblical commentary that has the rare privilege of being endorsed by academics and leaders of multiple faith traditions including rabbis, ministers, bishops, representatives of the Vatican, and the Chancellor of Oxford.

In 2013, Rabbi Barclay founded Temple Ner Simcha, the first non-Orthodox synagogue in the nation with no membership dues. There is no cost for High Holiday tickets, classes, and events such as lectures and concerts; and no financial costs for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs or tutoring. The full service synagogue subsists entirely on donations and grants.  Ner Simcha is inclusive and non-denominational, using conservative prayer books; but, the liturgy is often prayed in English. The temple is also the largest provider of free High Holiday services in the nation; and the only synagogue in California that never closed and never restricted live attendance during the Covid pandemic.

The majority of teachings and guest lectures are based on traditionally observant Jewish theology and Kabbalah.  This inclusive theological practice and business model has been emulated around the country, starting a nationwide “movement” of synagogues with “no dues”.

Rabbi Barclay has served as a peak performance coach for athletes and business executives seeking an extra edge in their field including Oscar and Emmy Award winners, NCAA athletes, CEOs of multiple corporations, and the Chicago White Sox.  He lectures across the world on Judaism, cross-cultural mysticism, and Jewish understandings of politics and ethics; and is brought around the globe to officiate life cycle events.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Another Ponzi scheme for the masses. Cryptocurrency and the scam of the century.

It amazes me how financial systems are developed and used to create money out of thin air. How is it this digital currency has any value? If anyone can convince me that this is legit and is willing to offer proof then I would reconsider my view. So far I have not received one bit of factual evidence that this is real currency. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Another view of events. This is a remarkable interview with someone that shows courage to admit his faults.

 Why is this such a remarkable interview? It involves two people of different genders that are actually communicating on many pertinent issues. Would this be shown on MSM?  Probably not. Kudos to these two individuals for speaking some truth. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Would the U.S. have a candidate that is against war? Tulsi Gabbard says more about what is wrong with warmongering.

 It's hard to believe that we don't see any current candidates that proclaim what Tulsi Gabbard says to these gatekeepers from MSM. She is much more educated and knowledgeable than any of these women but they are determined to ridicule and deny the facts and to keep the populace from hearing reason and logic. 

Let's see what the current political parties come up with for leading us to more wars. By the way, how did the undeclared Ukraine War turnout? I'm sure the U.S. Oligarchs have their plan and we will not know until they find the courage to communicate it to the populace. 

Friday, March 15, 2024

The Algorithm of Truth and Common Sense is arriving in spades.

I can only say that many things are now coming to the forefront of the human populace. Will it be to late? Time will only tell.

You first have to ask yourself some hard questions. What do you believe regarding 9/11? Don't you think this is why many wars were caused and was this the match that created our current plight?

The Litmus Test for Humankind

The Gig is up. We now know who make up the majority of the Cabals. As they feed us more information the curtain rises.

 I believe this prose is worth reading if you are an independent thinker and wish to know more about who is in control of the U.S. government. No matter how you slice it, it is no longer the people.

This is from a prolific writer who has certainly locked on to the charade we are presented with on a daily basis. 

From Les Visible

Behind the scenes... The Usual Suspects own The United States Government. This is amply demonstrated by their overwhelming presence in every critical area of the government. Most people don't like their mass murder of The Palestinians... because they want their land and resources.

How is it that the masses have not yet discovered what a put-up job October 7th was? Have they learned nothing from 9/11? Oh... right... they don't know about that either. Do they know about Israel's motto being “By deception, thou shalt do war?” From the language used in the statement, one might imagine that motto has been around for a long time.

Well... The TikTok caper shows that The World is waking up, and every effort they make to shut down... the mediums that expose them... will only result in a greater exposure, and... more and more proof of their out-sized influence... in every area of human life.

The control they have exercised over material conditions... is being revealed to The World... through The Power of Apocalypse. Their hour has come round at last, and... there is NOTHING they can do to forestall what is coming for them. It is coming for them in external form, and... it is coming internally as well. The Avatar has got them coming AND going. They don't want to be standing still either; not that they could.

It always comes back to The 9/11 Litmus Test. If you don't know about 9/11, and who did 9/11, BUT... mostly... if you got some kind of a porous argument that will not survive even casual scrutiny... you fail. You are delegitimized in my eyes. If you don't know by now or... can't say that Israel was an architect and main player in the 9/11 attacks, AND... AND... you happen to be a politician, somebody... owns... you.

This is what comes of having skin in the game. This is what comes of having vested interests that can be diminished or taken from you, if... you... tell... the... truth. I had to make that choice a long time ago, once I saw how the game was played. Over the course of history... many souls have had to come to terms with themselves and their conscience. Everyone else keeps their heads down and their mouths shut. They should never have been born at all. What a disgrace!

Everyone who closes their eyes to the truth, and... everyone who denies the truth... automatically betrays their fellows; cave dei videt.

Oh, my goodness!!! Mr. Apocalypse has turned it up several notches. What the Hayul is this??? Remember when I mentioned Macron and his wife... 25 years his elder? Wait till you get a load of this!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

When you determine a society is built on lies you can conclude Thug life has arrived.

I had to rewatch Better Call Saul to try and comprehend how America is dipping further into the abyss of becoming a criminal organization and crime syndicate. This drama series is a real character study with many angles but it is always reflecting on choices made in one's past.  During the series, the request for a time machine is brought up and what one would do if they could fix past mistakes. This would be a great analogy of how current governments operate. 

This is what happens when you take money from a ruthless criminal or government. They call the shots and you have no choice but to adhere to their demands. The western countries are under the control of the cabals that have used every trick in the book to coerce compliance.  This is why I stopped thinking our government is here to enhance civilization but to destroy it if necessary. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

How a country can hide the most insane story of a top diplomat. Does this story have legs? Is Brigitte Macron actually a man?

What is going on in France? Have they really accepted that their top ruler is married to a man that has a very shady background based on this theory. Why don't they just disprove this story with some pictures and some facts. It would be very easy if they had nothing to hide. Putin has to be grinning ear to ear with this information and probably can bring it up at this next meeting with Macron. Wouldn't you like to know the truth to this bit of intrigue? They are now getting very careless with their narratives.

Maybe this is the reason for the push for acceptance of all possible genders. Time will tell.

This video is really worth watching as well. Western countries are on the brink of pure insanity and now we can understand why.  The cabals have blackmailed the puppets of various governments and are now facing some reality and not the propaganda the mainstream media dictates. 

Monday, March 11, 2024

This is why voting has been made it obsolete. The ruling Cabals really don't care what the populace wants.

Do you think voting matters? This video says a lot regarding the voting system. I'm sure most people will not take heed to this information. Unless a major event occurs that changes the ruling cabals foundation it will not change. At least this has been the status quo. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Washington's Plan to Break Up Russia. This is why we are pushing for another war. A country with lots of land mass and resources cannot go unfettered.

 This article establishes at least one reason Russia is the focus of the Western nations

Unz Article: Washington's Plan to Break Up Russia.

Washington’s animus towards Russia has a long history dating back to 1918 when Woodrow Wilson deployed over 7,000 troops to Siberia as part of an Allied effort to roll back the gains of the Bolshevik Revolution. The activities of the American Expeditionary Force, which remained in the country for 18 months, have long vanished from history books in the US, but Russians still point to the incident as yet another example of America’s relentless intervention in the affairs of its neighbors. The fact is, Washington elites have always meddled in Russia’s business despite Moscow’s strong objections. In fact, a great number western elites not only think that Russia should be split-up into smaller geographical units, but that the Russian people should welcome such an outcome. Western leaders in the Anglosphere are so consumed by hubris and their own blinkered sense of entitlement, they honestly believe that ordinary Russians would like to see their country splintered into bite-sized statelets that remain open to the voracious exploitation of the western oil giants, mining corporations and, of course, the Pentagon. Here’s how Washington’s geopolitical mastermind Zbigniew Brzezinski summed it up an article in Foreign Affairs:

“Given (Russia’s) size and diversity, a decentralized political system and free-market economics would be most likely to unleash the creative potential of the Russian people and Russia’s vast natural resources. A loosely confederated Russia — composed of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic, and a Far Eastern Republic — would also find it easier to cultivate closer economic relations with its neighbors. Each of the confederated entitles would be able to tap its local creative potential, stifled for centuries by Moscow’s heavy bureaucratic hand. In turn, a decentralized Russia would be less susceptible to imperial mobilization.” (Zbigniew Brzezinski, “A Geostrategy for Eurasia”, Foreign Affairs, 1997)

The “loosely confederated Russia”, that Brzezinski imagines, would be a toothless, dependent nation that could not defend its own borders or sovereignty. It would not be able to prevent more powerful countries from invading, occupying and establishing military bases on its soil. Nor would it be able to unify its disparate people beneath a single banner or pursue a positive “unified” vision for the future of the country. A confederal Russia –fragmented into a myriad of smaller parts– would allow the US to maintain its dominant role in the region without threat of challenge or interference. And that appears to be Brzezinski’s real goal as he pointed out in this passage in his magnum opus The Grand Chessboard. Here’s what he said:

“For America, the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia…and America’s global primacy is directly dependent on how long and how effectively its preponderance on the Eurasian continent is sustained.” (“THE GRAND CHESSBOARD – American Primacy And It’s Geostrategic Imperatives”, Zbigniew Brzezinski, page 30, Basic Books, 1997)

Brzezinski sums up US imperial ambitions succinctly. Washington plans to establish its primacy in the world’s most prosperous and populous region, Eurasia. And–in order to do so– Russia must be decimated and partitioned, its leaders must be toppled and replaced, and its vast resources must be transferred to the iron grip of global transnationals who will use them to perpetuate the flow of wealth from east to west. In other words, Moscow must accept its humble role in the new order as America’s de-facto Gas and Mining Company.

Washington has never really veered from its aim of obliterating the Russian state, in fact, the recently released National Security Strategy (NSS) along with a congressional report titled “Renewed Great Power Competition: Implications for Defense—Issues for Congress”, confirm much of what we have said here, that the US plans to crush any emerging opposition to its expansion into Central Asia in order to become the dominant player in that region. Here’s an excerpt from the congressional report:

The U.S. goal of preventing the emergence of regional hegemons in Eurasia, though long-standing, is not written in stone—it is a policy choice reflecting two judgments: (1) that given the amount of people, resources, and economic activity in Eurasia, a regional hegemon in Eurasia would represent a concentration of power large enough to be able to threaten vital U.S. interests; and (2) that Eurasia is not dependably self-regulating in terms of preventing the emergence of regional hegemons, meaning that the countries of Eurasia cannot be counted on to be able to prevent, though their own actions, the emergence of regional hegemons, and may need assistance from one or more countries outside Eurasia to be able to do this dependably.” (“Renewed Great Power Competition: Implications for Defense—Issues for Congress”, US Congress)

How different is this new iteration of official US foreign policy than the so-called Wolfowitz Doctrine that was delivered prior to the War in Iraq. Here it is:

“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”

As you can see, there has been no meaningful change in the policy since Wolfowitz articulated his doctrine nearly 2 decades ago. The US foreign policy establishment still resolutely asserts Washington’s right to dominate Central Asia and to regard any competitor in the region as national security threat. This is further underscored by the fact that both Russia and China have been identified in the latest National Security Strategy as “strategic competitors” which is a deep-state euphemism for mortal enemies. Check out this excerpt from an article titled “Partitioning Russia After World War III?”:

The end goal of the US and NATO is to divide and pacify the world’s biggest country, the Russian Federation, and to even establish a blanket of perpetual disorder (somalization) over its vast territory or, at a minimum, over a portion of Russia and the post-Soviet space…

The ultimate goal of the US is to prevent any alternatives from emerging in Europe and Eurasia to Euro-Atlantic integration. This is why the destruction of Russia is one of its strategic objectives….

Redrawing Eurasia: Washington’s Maps of a Divided Russia

With the division of the Russian Federation, (the) article claims that any bipolar rivalry between Moscow and Washington would end after World War III. In a stark contradiction, it claims that only when Russia is destroyed will there be a genuine multipolar world, but also implies that the US will be the most dominant global power even though Washington and the European Union will be weakened from the anticipated major war with the Russians.” (“Partitioning Russia after World War 3”, Global Research)

“The Western goal is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our nation. They are openly stating that, since they managed to break up the Soviet Union in 1991, now it’s time to split Russia into many separate regions that will be at each other’s throats.” Russian President Vladimir Putin

Reuters – March 7, 2024

A senior Russian military officer has warned that the conflict in Ukraine could escalate into a full-scale war in Europe and said the probability of Moscow’s forces becoming involved in a new conflict is increasing “significantly.”

Colonel-General Vladimir Zarudnitsky, head of the Russian army’s Military Academy of the General Staff, made the comments in an article for “Military Thought”, a defence ministry publication, the state RIA news agency reported on Thursday.

“The possibility of an escalation of the conflict in Ukraine – from the expansion of participants in ‘proxy forces’ used for military confrontation with Russia to a large-scale war in Europe – cannot be ruled out,” RIA cited him a saying.

“The main source of military threats to our state is the anti-Russian policy of the United States and its allies, who are conducting a new type of hybrid warfare in order to weaken Russia in every possible way, limit its sovereignty and destroy its territorial integrity,” he was quoted as saying..

“The likelihood of our state being purposefully drawn into new military conflicts is significantly increasing.”

The war in Ukraine has triggered the deepest crisis in Russia’s relations with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and President Vladimir Putin has warned that the West risks provoking a nuclear war if it sends troops to fight in Ukraine.

Putin has cast his decision to send tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine in February 2022 as a special military operation designed to secure Russia’s own security against an increasingly hostile U.S.-backed Ukrainian leadership. Kyiv says it is defending itself against an imperial-style war of conquest designed to erase its national identity.

Zarudnitsky’s comments come at a time when the West is scrambling to help Ukraine with more arms and financing after Kyiv’s failed counteroffensive last summer and after Russian forces regained the initiative on the battlefield.

Zarudnitsky advocated a number of changes in the way Russia organises its military and security, RIA added, including placing greater emphasis on relying on what he called friendly countries to ensure Russia’s own security and consolidating the whole of Russian society around its defence needs.

Explorans Algorithmus Veritatis

 This is a journey worth exploring and I'm taking a bit of a hiatus from this blog to research some very interesting areas of Truth Seek...