Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Is it time to setup some Tribunals for Government Officials?

 It is readily apparent that the government is being run by a syndicate of people that think they are so far above the law that nothing will hinder them from committing the most horrendous acts imaginable like Genocide. Unless a tribunal of justice seekers is created to stem or curtail them they will continue to grow like a cancer and eventually kill off the host nation as they have done before. Is this their goal now?  As more truth is being disclosed are the masses starting to understand the predicament they are in? Either play along to get along or be removed by the system. This is becoming more apparent as wisdom, reason, and telling the truth surface and become worthy of protecting as virtues. Time will tell if humanity will be able rise to the challenges put before them by the Creator. The litmus test of accepting evil over good is now before every soul on this planet. Blessings to all humans that seek God's wisdom and guidance. 

This is an exposure of other governments and their rulers. 

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