Monday, May 17, 2010

The one percent solution for solving the worlds problems.

I came across this while reading a host of articles sent to me from friends and associates and thought I'd put this in my blog for posterity. See my comments after the article.
an except from an article by Gordon Duff

In a world of “think tanks” and “postion papers,” of universities devoid of academic freedom and endless political espousements from rodeo clown hate mongering propagandists, those who “get it” may only be 1%. They won’t be the richest, the most righteous nor are they likely to be famous. They will define courage, sacrifice and honor because these are terms they would never use, not for themselves or others. Those who know all war to be economic and all “news” to be lies are of the 1%.
A “one percenter” asks where the $65 billion in heroin profits from Afghanistan went. A “one percenter” asks why $275 billion in pentagon fraud is discovered but swept under the rug a day later. A “one percenter” watches planes crash into the twin towers and may think terrorism but then watches Building 7 mysteriously flow into the ground, “pulled” somehow magically at a moments notice and knows a game is afoot. A “one percenter” will immediately turn on the TV, wait for the pre-scripted harangues to begin and predict the road to totalitarianism at home, war abroad and the eventual economic “pump and dump” collapse everything was staged to bring about.
When a “one percenter” hears the word “patriot” or sees a flag or bible, he cringes, knowing a scoundrel is afoot. If a new world is built, it is the one percent that will do it.

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran. A 100% disabled vet. He has been a featured commentator on TV and radio including Al Jazeera and his articles have been carried by news services around the world. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. This article first appeared in Veterans and Foreign Affairs Journal.


My commentary which I posted on his website:

How many people does this one percent comprise of in the world population? If you use the current figure after some google research it equates to about 67,000,000 souls that see things differently than 99% of the world. I’m thinking it is more than this; otherwise those 67mil can easily be subjugated to retaliation by the ruling ~5 percent (just a guestimate) and their 94 percent followers. Especially since the one percenters probably have little resources or means to make a huge difference if the 5 percenters do not want them to muddy the waters for establishing their current goals and objectives. What the one percenters probably realize is courage, honor, and integrity will come under fire from all angles and without some serious mental armor they may succumb to the lifestyle of materialism, greed, and debauchery simply because it can be the path of least resistance. Unfortunately their inner soul may be corrupted to the point they will never be able to live with themselves if they believe in the Divine and the eternal hereafter and my guess is they do. Another point is what can happen if they are too successful. In my view, the modus operandi is to have people try to take them out, Ghandi, MLK, Hugo Chaves (whoops they missed him), etc. I’m all for changing the world by reason, logic, and adherence to the truth but should this be so difficult? Why shouldn’t the ruling elite begin by showing us how it’s done? Give us some firm examples by walking the walk. I really don’t want to hear any more rhetoric by highly paid bimbos or narcissistic sycophants and hopefully most people are starting to wean themselves of this as well. Let the ruling class take a step to protecting the "1 percent" if this is something they desire in the world. Frankly the "1 percenters" can only serve as muses for the ones wanting to see the changes necessary for the survival of the species if this is what the objective is. My guess is, it’s not, and since WAR is very profitable and diminishes the human population I think they will continue down this path and not want to make changes in their lifestyle which makes them far too uncomfortable. Hey, giving up all the babes, dudes, children, drugs, WAR parties, etc can be a shock to their system and will not be given up lightly or without a fight. Of this I can assert with impunity.

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