Sunday, March 3, 2024

The solution to ending wars is to start boycotting the companies that support them.

 It is self-evident that corporations are profiting from the wars they support and the countries they invest in, period.  During world war two, it was proven that corporations were supporting both sides of the conflict. How else do you build up a nations with the weaponry to take on the world. Germany did not develop and grow their war machine by themselves. So it goes now with Ukraine, Israel, and other nations. Currently the U.S. and Western nations have bases or sends money for the purpose of protecting their ill gotten gains and use corporations to support their agendas. It is so apparent, that a middle school student can see how wars are started and supported by the cabals and their puppet leaders.  

I am going to list 10 ways (only need maybe 5) we could end all wars and bring peace that is sustainable for all humans.  Please join me in this journey back to sanity, reason, and logic. Don't let the cabals dictate to us what peace and democracy mean. They are only Orloks hiding in the crypts of their own illusions.

1.) The number one way to end all wars. Bring back the Kellogg-Briand Pact and provide true consequences for those nations that do not adhere to the charter and label them a rogue nation and Boycott them from all International Trade and the use of their currency to settling business transaction.

2.) Number two, liquidate and boycott corporation that supports a rogue nation that is going against International Law. This is their source of armaments and funds.

3.)Number three, declare any banking institution that provides funds or financial services to a nation that is proven guilty of war crimes as an accomplice to the war crimes and make them pay for all damages caused by their actions.

4.)Number four. Remove lobbyist organizations that write laws and support  undeclared wars by a countries populace.  All documents must be reviewed before by a contingent of countries that maybe impacted by the war. Oh yea, this is what the United Nations was supposed to do.


5)Number five. Set in motion a vetting process to determine what the true agenda is for a country to go to war. Will Elon Musk become Tony Stark? One can only hope we find a solution before wars are fought with the latest technology that just a handful of Count Orlocks have access to for their nefarious purposes.

I will expand on these first five and add more as I determine if the world is ready for living in a peaceful environment and if they truly want to be in a world of co-existents rather than constant conflict.

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Western Nations need to join AA but instead of alcoholism it should now be designated WAS (War Addiction Syndrome)

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