I believe this prose is worth reading if you are an independent thinker and wish to know more about who is in control of the U.S. government. No matter how you slice it, it is no longer the people.
This is from a prolific writer who has certainly locked on to the charade we are presented with on a daily basis.
From Les Visible
Behind the scenes... The Usual Suspects own The United States Government. This is amply demonstrated by their overwhelming presence in every critical area of the government. Most people don't like their mass murder of The Palestinians... because they want their land and resources.
How is it that the masses have not yet discovered what a put-up job October 7th was? Have they learned nothing from 9/11? Oh... right... they don't know about that either. Do they know about Israel's motto being “By deception, thou shalt do war?” From the language used in the statement, one might imagine that motto has been around for a long time.
Well... The TikTok caper shows that The World is waking up, and every effort they make to shut down... the mediums that expose them... will only result in a greater exposure, and... more and more proof of their out-sized influence... in every area of human life.
The control they have exercised over material conditions... is being revealed to The World... through The Power of Apocalypse. Their hour has come round at last, and... there is NOTHING they can do to forestall what is coming for them. It is coming for them in external form, and... it is coming internally as well. The Avatar has got them coming AND going. They don't want to be standing still either; not that they could.
It always comes back to The 9/11 Litmus Test. If you don't know about 9/11, and who did 9/11, BUT... mostly... if you got some kind of a porous argument that will not survive even casual scrutiny... you fail. You are delegitimized in my eyes. If you don't know by now or... can't say that Israel was an architect and main player in the 9/11 attacks, AND... AND... you happen to be a politician, somebody... owns... you.
This is what comes of having skin in the game. This is what comes of having vested interests that can be diminished or taken from you, if... you... tell... the... truth. I had to make that choice a long time ago, once I saw how the game was played. Over the course of history... many souls have had to come to terms with themselves and their conscience. Everyone else keeps their heads down and their mouths shut. They should never have been born at all. What a disgrace!
Everyone who closes their eyes to the truth, and... everyone who denies the truth... automatically betrays their fellows; cave dei videt.
Oh, my goodness!!! Mr. Apocalypse has turned it up several notches. What the Hayul is this??? Remember when I mentioned Macron and his wife... 25 years his elder? Wait till you get a load of this!!!
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