Saturday, December 10, 2022

Dedicated to the love of this planet and humanity.

I have said what I had to say on this personal blog for years and it provided a bit of  a catharsis since other means of releasing anger would not be acceptable in my book. It may or may not have made the world a better place but at least I put in some effort on things that will make a difference and now this is what I will be focusing on for the duration of my existence. It is not to hate, criticize, ostracize or demean anyone or anything. It is to provide concrete solutions to what the humans need not what they want.  Humans need so little but their unbridled wants and desires are infinite. This is not sustainable in my view. Hence I will do my best to make this world a little more comfortable to those in need not those in wants.  For it is written in so many books, poems, and cultures that we need to show more kindness, empathy, and love for one another. Through this we can survive the next stage of our existence. We don't need more money, technology, drugs, etc. to create the world we wish to see. It only takes passion, dedication, and a sincere desire to change ourselves. This will solve the world issues if the narrative could change throughout the world. Our current geopolitical situation is based on lies, deceit, greed, and other nefarious traits that some humans feed on. You can select what side you want to be on when the Karma and God decide enough is enough. 

Here is one of my solutions: Music for the soul. Watch this before the ruling class decide they don't to want live on this beautiful planet we call earth and decide to release the means to destroy it completely. What do you think will occur? If you have ever read this blog or are reading it now please comment. From this I will determine the best path to take. Help save civilization or let the maniacs destroy it? It is our call, remember we are up to 8 billion and counting. I think only 1 percent of the so-called humans would want to see the earths destruction if full out War is declared. 

May the great spirit touch your hearts and minds to help heal this planet and ourselves.

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