Monday, January 27, 2014

The Truth about our Banking System.

How do we not see the writing on the wall regarding our financial system.  Here is a great article on how the banking systems have become no more than a casino and they are the house and client.  No wonder things are screwed up.  Instead of blaming those on medicare or food stamps maybe we should look at the real cause of the financial mess.  Oh I forgot to watch the Grammy's last night because I was educating myself on some bigger issues.  Time well spent in my view.

Bankers, Bookies, and Gamblers

What is the proper role and social function of a bank? Welcome to New Economy 101. 
Roulette wheel, photo by John Wardell
Photo by John Wardell
As they say, to get the right answer you have to ask the right question. I’m stunned by how often news reports on Wall Street ask the wrong question, as do our politicians. The August 26, 2010, New York Times front page story “Despite Reform, Banks Have Room for Risky Deals” is a case in point.
The article centers on the Volcker Rule provision of the new financial regulation legislation that “sought to prevent federally insured banks from making speculative bets using their own money.” The legislation seems to presume that it is OK for banks to serve as bookies who set the odds and hold bets for gamblers (euphemistically referred to in the article as investors) so long as the banks don’t put their own money in play.

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Explorans Algorithmus Veritatis

 This is a journey worth exploring and I'm taking a bit of a hiatus from this blog to research some very interesting areas of Truth Seek...