Corporate America is being allowed to ruin us–while
We the People are being over-taxed, over-fined and over-regulated…I seriously Fear that our constant and unnecessary military actions (which just make the Rich even Richer) will start WWIII…
We the People are being over-taxed, over-fined and over-regulated…I seriously Fear that our constant and unnecessary military actions (which just make the Rich even Richer) will start WWIII…
The USG allows the bankers to walk away from
prosecution. If a citizen transfers money
illegally or commits mortgage fraud–we’d
be locked up, but the banks are allowed to make out of court settlements with
no prosecution on the record. But We the People must follow the ever-increasing
library of laws and regulations now imposed on us.
The USG allows the DoD to write their own checks with no audit necessary–while the citizens and small businesses of the country follow the law and submit their taxes or face serious penalties. Every taxpayer, business, and government agency in America is supposed to be able to pass a financial audit by the feds, every year. It’s the law, so we do our duty. There’s one exception: the Pentagon–which is even so bold as to announce it has misplaced TRILLIONS of dollars.
The USG allows the intelligence
agencies to trample our rights and the U.S. Constitution–no serious
investigation of the NSA has taken place. We do not know the true actions of
the CIA-FBI-DoD because of the extreme secrecy. How can we possibly know if the
agencies are acting in our interest–and within the law–if we do not even know
what they have done?
The USG allows our law enforcement
to jail millions.
They would rather pay for our citizens to be jailed than pay for our children
to receive the best education or provide training for those who need it.
The USG attacks other countries
around the globe–JSOC has boots on the ground in about 100 countries right now. Will we end up in another “war”? Will it be in Iraq?
Syria? Yemen? Ukraine? Iran? Korea? China? Russia? Will it be because they
attacked our soil or because we are protecting the business
of the .01%?

The USG also wages economic warfare against other countries which leads to instability and is not a peaceful long-term solution. We do not need to overthrow other governments–they have a right to be their own sovereign nation and to live peacefully. Other nations have a right to make their own laws and choose their own leaders.
The USG would rather invade other countries and build
military bases /infrastructure over there than
upgrade our own infrastructure. I wish most of our soldiers were not in the
military–instead they could be building roads, high-speed rail lines, and green
energy infrastructure in the U.S. (and around the globe…HELPING people).
The USG allows corporations to write
our laws: agriculture, banks, energy, healthcare, media/cable conglomerates,
transportation, tax laws…
FINALLY: The USG allowed our country to be attacked on 9/11 with no open investigation. In fact, our leaders openly resisted the investigations of both the Joint Intelligence Committee and the 9/11 Commission. Evidence was destroyed, the investigations wereobstructed and the evidence hidden from We the People (and the world). GW Bush couldn’t even testify under oath and in public before the 9/11 Commission–he spoke with the press for 5 minutes after his “conversation” with them.
I do love America–but the USG is
FAILING. Our leaders should be concentrating on helping us–the tax
payers–instead of bombing other countries around the globe and leading us into
another War. Who is running things–the Pentagon? the CIA? the defense companies
the bankers?

I seriously FEAR that WAR, INC will
take things too far–and the Corporate
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