Saturday, April 13, 2013

Who is sponsoring wars in the Middle East?

This is a terrific clip from Russia Today. Based on this interview with Pat Buchanan I think he hits it dead on this time. Most Americans do not want another war or support current policies by this administration but our main stream news does not want to muddy these facts with logic and reason. Will the powers that be stand up and identify themselves? Hell no, they hide like cowards and let their puppets and shills beat the war drums over and over. Why can't the U.S. media come out and tell the world why wars are needed to support their lust for more power and control. Sheesh what a bunch of wusses. I know most of our politicians are bought and paid for by the bankers and special interest so I do not look to them to stop this mess anytime soon. How about Russia and China, can you help identify who these people are since you seem to have the guts to show interviews like this on your network?

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