Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools was no joke, we are going to be fooled again.

I wrote a tongue-in-cheek blog yesterday which I took down because I felt it was un-true and would make us humans perceive things have changed for the better. From some recent news I can see it has not and without a doubt it may only get worse. If we start looking at the WARs, the Federal Reserve, and Corporate malfeasance I would say us plebs are in for a bumpy ride for the coming years. Because of the decisions made by un-elected officials and special interest most nations are going to face some hard-times, Japan is just one example. What is now in place can only be described as a New World Order and we are not fully privy to their objectives nor are they at this point (nature is making an impact). We can only surmise what will occur and now that more folks are awakening to this scenario it may be a little late in the game.

All the best to those humans that have stayed the course and tried to enlighten the masses. I'm sure at some point it will not have been in vain.

Some Links worth seeing in case you are curious about some real news and not the the fluff and stuff type.

The Wall Street Pentagon Papers:

Biggest Bank Fraud in History

You can always go back to your regular scheduled program.

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Western Nations need to join AA but instead of alcoholism it should now be designated WAS (War Addiction Syndrome)

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