It is news like this that makes me wonder how the transcendence of stupidity has engulfed the human race so bad. The preponderance of evidence is now irrefutable. We are ruled by a mob type syndicate, and it has no inclination to save the earth, humanity, or other species. They are degenerates and are fixated on bringing us to Armagedón. The evidence is now clear and can be researched and proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Where are the lawyers willing to initiate a lawsuit for a big payout? Oh, yea they are already bought and sold and have no courage to seek justice. Even our current Justice systems have become corrupt and aren't interested in pursuing what use to be crimes against humanity. We are now lost souls seeking whatever comforts the world doles out that keeps us in bliss and ignorance. Karma will be the judge on the outcome of our civilizations at this point. God is watching and is probably thinking, will I let them destroy their world or should I put them out of their misery. He has the final say ultimately in my book.
Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report Proving Deep State & Big Pharma Manufactured Covid Pandemic - The People's Voice (
The Demolition of the World Trade Center, by Mark H. Gaffney - The Unz Review
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