Monday, June 15, 2020

Is America going down the path as Post WW1 Germany? View this video for some relevent history.

I will post this video link because it has some basic facts on what Germany went through after WW1.  There appears to be some similarities to what is going on in the US.  Not sure if this link will last on YouTube because it may have a different narrative than what most people are given by history books and the media.  It is well worth viewing if you wish to learn some additional facts regarding humanities take on what it means to be victorious after a war is won. This perspective is from the civilians that experienced the atrocities of what their leaders brought forth after going to war.  All citizens should be aware of the plight of  losing a war. 

Website to view full video.

Hellstorm Documentary

Civil War History

"You people dont know what your talking about. War is a terrible thing." - General William T. Sherman When Georgia Howled: Sherman on the March

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Western Nations need to join AA but instead of alcoholism it should now be designated WAS (War Addiction Syndrome)

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