Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Finding the Algorithm of Truth in the world of deception. A journey worth exploring.

 As this blog focused on past and current history of events which many are not privy to unless you are in the Cabal's club. It is time to resurrect how the universe actually works. It is not by focusing on money or material things I can assure you. It is by reaching out and exploring other possibilities for what the Great Omnipotent Deity is trying to tell us. We are certainly at the end of whatever control they have on us humans and we need to understand our new roles in society. I believe it is to educate and help those of us willing to put in the work for better solutions.  How is it that WARs and Fiat (FAKE} currency has dominated our view of society.  This is not meant to be our final hour. If the Cabal decides to create a scenario whereby WW3 comes to fruition we are going to be given a test of wills.  Do we allow them to continue the status quo or do we look at the presence of a higher power which they do not control?

Maybe we should listen to this message and do some research on the "Flower of Life" please disregard the messenger and listen to the message before making any assumptions. If knowledge is power how is it this symbol is not taught in schools? What are they afraid of by not teaching such things in our current educational systems? Oh yea, they just need some peasant minded people to do all the work for them. Let's see if the masses can see the deception by the ruling Cabal before it is to late?

They are approving the steps to WW3.
U.S. Cabal has just approved to Global War once again.

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