Thursday, November 24, 2022

"The Power of God and The Power of Cosmic Change CANNOT Be Opposed by Anyone. They are Simply Worn Away."

 This material is sourced from a human being that has eloquently and consistently wrote about a variety of subjects with a great determination to educate the populace of things to come. I started reading his works years ago and he has been dead on with the inner workings of the how the Cosmos are seeking to rebalance itself in our speck of the Universe called Earth.  We cannot fathom the energy and sure power being wielded by the almighty. He is bound to make things right again in my view.  All we can hope is that we are on the right side of the equation.  God will prevail with this I can assert with Impunity for God is Love not War. He will be the judge and jury for all of us at the end.  We cannot hide from his omniscient presence. 

Many Kudus to Les Visible for this great piece of work.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Money is a most amusing utility. We have to have something of value in order to exchange services... and drive a common economy. Barter is too complex and cumbersome, though it can definitely be the occasional option. Politics and religion are supposed to keep the action orderly. I guess you can see how that has worked out. Yeah... money...

I never cared about money and my life reflected that. (grin) Now... I REALLY don't care about money and so it is no problem at all, especially when not wanting anything is factored in. Sometimes I do a little better... and sometimes I do a little worse. It balances out, AND... not worrying about it greases the skids so... that... life... proceeds... smoothly. The idea that there are bumps in the road is an illusion. There are simply things and conditions you haven't adjusted to yet. It can be effortless and it can be difficult.

Once you let go of everything, inside AND outside of you, your conflicts disappear. I can attest to this because it's been going on here for a while now, and... I notice the trends and patterns. I note the consistency of events. The proof is in the putting or... is it pudding? Isn't that what THEY (whomever) say? There's no... arguing... with... a... consistency... of... similar results.

What I am saying, in a roundabout way... cause that's the only way to say it, is... when money is no longer a problem in your mind... it is no longer a problem in your life. When you no longer carry rage and aggression, YOU... NO... LONGER... ENCOUNTER... THEM! When you are no longer causing pain, you are no longer feeling pain; however,... it can take a while for your past actions to be resolved UNLESS you get some Grace. Get a loan from God's Spiritual Bank.

God is a negotiator. God makes loans. God is glad to exchange Grace for service. In my heart, I am certain of God's Grace... because... God... KNOWS... I... am... good... for... it; “put it on my tab.” (grin)

Let me tell you a great feature about Karma... the kind of Karma you get when you are consistently doing the right thing. You start to build up capital. You build up reserves. When you really have earned a whole lotta credits= credit, you can have people's troubles put on your account. You can go around radiating healing... transforming lives as you go, and no one the wiser... cause you are up-the-road by that time.

This may not appeal to everyone. It does appeal to me.

This is what Jesus the Christ did. He offered to all that would come with him that they would be able to do as he had done. They would be able even to do greater things; “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” If you emulate The Divine then The Divine will act through you. The... problem... for... most... people is that they don't want to live it every minute. They got other things in mind. They are part-time lovers.

Of course, it is hard at first, but it gets easier to the extent of your commitment and persistence.

If someone were to ask me... “visible, what would you say are the most important things a person can do to make their life beautiful and brilliant beyond imagining?” I would say... “Besides loving God? Hmm... I would say... having invisible friends.”

You get these friends as the result of your behavior, and ALWAYS... as a result of the degree of your love for God. You are being watched all the time. Get that through your head because it is ABSOLUTELY true. The Lower End AND The Higher End are both watching you through their invisible agents.

Now... God took me into darkness for periods of time. I was never alone though. I always knew God was there. This consistency of belief is best expressed in another piece of Christian scripture; “Faith is THE SUBSTANCE of things unseen.”

Possibly you have been made to wander in darkness also... for a time, for... whatever... the... reason. That shouldn't be an issue now... unless you are into Guilt and Regret. Fuck that noise! Like I said... God is very much into arranging your affairs... if you will go to work for him. He's hiring!!! He's hiring all the time, but not that many people are willing to do the work.

Like I keep saying, God is REAL. It's up to you if he's far off or close by. That God is or is not real IS... NOT... A... MATTER... FOR... DISPUTE. Fools can argue about it the live-long day. I won't be around for that. What stuns me is how glaringly apparent the evidence is of God being REAL... and yet... many cannot see it. They... believe... in... something... else.

There is The Negative Side and The Positive Side to your being. You want to have the polarities in the right relationship. Otherwise... you will go through life with your head up your ass. The Power of Positive Thinking... this is something I embrace with no reserve. LOOK... AT... THE... SUN!!!!!!! Could it be any more obvious and apparent??? What the Hell is wrong with you people?

Well... if that's the way you see it, I'm not going to contend with you. I'm not with that department of law enforcement. I just follow Heaven's and Nature's laws, and then The Laws serve my best interests, just as they would yours, should... you... be... so... inclined.

Why do corporations and governments and religions all bend the knee to devolution now, which is another name for Evil? Why are they all rolling in The Murk with this trans-humanism, gender-stupid thing? Why are they pandering... every single one of them... to The Baser Instincts?

From where come these hysterias? These political and social divides and antagonisms? Climate Change? Everything is going to extremes BECAUSE... people are looking for something that, cannot... be... found... where they are looking. So they press further and further into the density... pressure... and heat... of the darkness-

AND? It's... still... not... there~! Meanwhile... The Awakening progresses. You can run but you cannot hide from it. You cannot hide from The Awakening OR Mr. Apocalypse. Resist as it pleases you to; resistance is futile. The Power of God and The Power of Cosmic Change CANNOT be opposed by anyone at any time.

“Bend and you need not break.” Lao Tzu said that. He's one of my biggest heroes... EVER. I intend to meet him. I am certain he is still around. Sometimes The World is relatively sane, and... sometimes it is bonkers-bat-shit. People believe there is safety in numbers. How did that work out in Soviet Russia? During The Great Cultural Revolution?

When people abandon themselves to licentious living they cease to be free and a dark lord becomes their master. When the pursuit of comfort makes the search for wisdom seem perverse... you are in for much worse. When you become a slave to your appetites, you cease to be your own master. You are then reflexively enslaved by a harsh taskmaster who is your own lower nature. Oh well... maybe it will be over soon. Right; keep telling yourself that.

God is REAL. You need look no further than within, AND... you can see him in the living... conscious... rays of The Sun, who is the seat of Love and Vitality on The Manifest Plane. Let The Divine renew your mind... rejuvenate you... revitalize you... restore you to yourself. Awaken from this bad dream of a bent Materialism in search of The New Sodom and Gomorrah. That is where Materialism INEVITABLY is headed. It ALWAYS flows toward the lowest common denominator, which is an entropic swamp. I (do not) regret to decline the offer. I will go another way.

The Dark Splendor is so tempting... the fantastic hypnotic attraction of the lights! How the winged insects flock to the light where the lizards wait. Those who do not burn are eaten. In a literal cautionary tale where everything is eating something else, I pray that Heaven shall dine on me.

Yes... it is going to get much more rowdy and seemingly out-of-control. Look at where it came from. Look at where it is, and... you can get a good idea of where it is headed.

God is REAL!!!

End Transmission.......

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

How the 1% protect themselves and make America the land of hypocrites and the demented

I find it odd that this information is so closely held from the public that when it has been determined that a small group of very wealthy and sick individuals have the audacity to recuse themselves from nefarious acts this is accepted by our justice system. Yet our press marginalizes and cancels any voices against the culprits who corrupt and abuse our youth. Hence making America the land of the hypocrites and the demented. The rich and reclusive entities that have money and influence and can be shielded from such horrendous crimes is going to be one of the downfalls of this nation. Karma is a bitch and we better take head.  Justice and Consequences is coming for them I can guarantee it. The Cosmo's can't be controlled by them.


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

A true American Warrior who spoke the real truth!


GERONIMO.......On this day, February 17th, 1909 Geronimo dies of pneumonia at age 80, while still a captive of war at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.~ This rare cabinet card Image shows the great Apache Resistance leader leaning against a tree. photographed by William E. Irwin, Chickasha, Indian Territory with inscription in period script on the cards reverse, "Jeronamo (sic), from the Apache tribe, now in captivity at Ft. Sill.”~ "We are vanishing from the earth, yet I cannot think we are useless or Usen would not have created us. He created all tribes of men and certainly had a righteous purpose in creating each. For each tribe of men Usen created He also made a home. In the land created for any particular tribe He placed whatever would be best for the welfare of that tribe. When Usen created the Apaches He also created their homes in the West. He gave to them such grain, fruits, and game as they needed to eat. To restore their health when disease attacked them He made many different herbs to grow. He taught them where to find these herbs, and how to prepare them for medicine. He gave them a pleasant climate and all they needed for clothing and shelter was at hand. Thus it was in the beginning: the Apaches and their homes each created for the other by Usen himself. When they are taken from these homes they sicken and die. How long will it be until it is said, there are no Apaches?" ~ Geronimo, 1906.Geronimo often spoke of his desire for his people's eventual return to their ancestral homelands in Arizona. Tragically, his life ended at Fort Sill, Oklahoma far away from the beloved lands he had been forcefully taken from and imprisoned by the United States Government for defending. ~ Bedonkohe Apache leader Geronimo [Goyaałé], Mescalero-Chiricahua.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

If this doesn't make you MAD your insane!

If you think the vaccines are safe your in for a rude awakening. This video should anger you and prompt you to take action and start the process for litigation against these criminals!

Time to get "MAD" as hell!

Thousands of protesters march in Lima to demand the resignation of leftist President Pedro Castillo, who is under an unprecedented six investigations for alleged corruption.

BBC Peru uprising 11/07/2022

‘Must leave’: Thousands march for Peru president’s removal (

Haiti uprising

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Playing With Fire in Ukraine: The Underappreciated Risks of Catastrophic Escalation

 Please take a look at this article by  an esteemed Professor with some good insights and a reasonable view in my opinion.  Professor Mearsheimer has more knowledge than I will ever possess on Foreign Affairs so please take the time to educate and research his works on the internet and YouTube.  He was the 1st person I came across when trying to understand this global predicament we are facing and agree with his findings.

Playing With Fire in Ukraine: The Underappreciated Risks of Catastrophic Escalation (

Two Leaders of the World and their interviews: U.S.A and Russia at a crossroad

I wanted to post this as an example of how the two major superpowers view the world.  Watch and assess who has the most common sense and who would be able to be able to settle things diplomatically. The interviewers are a bit one sided in my view.  Would Biden sit down with a Russian Journalist from RT and explain his views.  We will never know I can assure you.  Biden lacks the level of experience to handle this type of questioning in my view.

Video Conference between Biden and Putin

Biden being interviewed

Putin being Interviewed

Please take a listen from this highly respected individual:
Jordan Peterson

It is time to setup a War Tribunal before we enter WW3 not afterwards!

 I wrote a piece on this blog stating WAR is nothing more than "Wrongfully Acquiring Resources" it is  a racket based on the book by Major General Smedley Butler.  If we wait until the missiles start flying it will be to late to hold the War Criminals accountable.  I can assert with impunity that the current War in Europe/Ukraine is going to escalate if those in power don't take action.  We know who is ultimately making the decisions for this unjust fiasco and it is not the civilian populace.  I ask those on the United Nations Security council to rebuke those countries that initiated this War and provide the populace with the Truth as to how this started or else we will all end up facing what happened to Germany and Japan at the end of the WW3. Peace initiatives were put in place back in 2014 with the Minsk agreements. Who broke this agreement? Why aren't they being held accountable!

China, Russia, France, United Kingdom, and the United States you need to recognize your obligation and responsibility to the World as permanent members of the United Nations and follow the Charter you all set in place back in 1945.  The world is watching! If you do not abide by Article 1 of this charter you should be held accountable and face the consequences of a Tribunal post haste.

Chapter I: Purposes and Principles

Article 1

The Purposes of the United Nations are:

1.      To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;

2.      To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;

3.      To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and

4.      To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

Here is a great documentary that has been banned on various website due to its authenticity. If we Americans don't stop this insanity in Europe you can replace Nazi Germany with Neo-Con America in the summary below. Those nations that block this kind of information should also understand they are abetting the destruction humanity by not sharing the Truth of what the consequences of War is to the human populace.  For those countries who support the Neo-Nazi Paramilitary groups in Ukraine this will be your demise.  Remember the Nuremburg Trials. 

Based on Thomas Goodrich's book, 'Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-47' this 2015 film is about the Real Genocide of Nazi Germany. Learn the truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World War II. This film is routinely taken down in the U.S. by those who own and control YouTube and is blocked in the following countries: France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Israel, Italy, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Moquelon, Wallis and Futura, Austria, Switzerland.

Max Blumenthal reports that the US has provided military assistance to the Azov Battalion, known as a bastion of neo-Nazism within the Ukrainian armed forces. He also discusses US and Israeli ties to the far-right government in Poland, where neo-Nazism is on the rise

Western Nations need to join AA but instead of alcoholism it should now be designated WAS (War Addiction Syndrome)

Here are some items to ponder if you come across this Blog and happen to read it.  1. The cause of most wars nowadays is due to an addiction...