Friday, October 28, 2022

The Campaign to stop WW3 - reinstate the Kellogg-Briand Pact

It is now self-evident and the facts are undeniable.  Our governments, corporations and leaders have lost their minds.  They are toying with the idea that Nuclear War may be inevitable and will be justifiable as those in power will hunker down like moles in their bunkers for 1,000's of years but those not capable of sheltering themselves will be left to pure anarchy and unbridled chaos.  Thinking that humanity can survive these weapons of mass destruction without huge consequences to our future is pure insanity.  I'm not sure who exactly is making these decisions but I can assure you it is not those holding offices in government. The global syndicate whoever they are have concluded that War is the answer for all of humankind to endure endlessly.  Without any policy statement, directive, or global consensus the global sycophants in office are determining our future.  What future is worth living for if you are knee deep in radioactive waste? Wise up people, our lives are at stake! 

The interesting facts are, it will not be one country or human that will make the decision to use nuclear weapons, it will be all humanity which allowed there respective governments to continue using Wars as the deciding factor to solve issues.  If the Kellogg-Briand pact was adhered to this situation would not be occurring. 

Please start a campaign in your community to educate as many people as possible that a solution was agreed upon years ago but we somehow allowed altercations to continue without any repercussions. This is why we are at the precipice of a self-induced tragedy.  We humans are allowing this to happen by not making those in power accountable.


The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing!

Warmongering is Insanity 
according to 

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