Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Voices of Reason are coming forth, will the Warmongers listen?

Here are some facts about the Syrian situation.

Will the U.S. leadership listen to logic and reason or take the world down the abyss of another war?

UN Secretary-General Ban casts doubt on legality of US plans for Syria strike


Putin plans Russian delegation to sway Congress on Syria strike


What will the U.S. Congress decide?


Will another war start based on false facts?


You have to watch this video to really get some good facts. Abby Martin does it again!  Just the facts folks, don't blame the messengers.



Great video on GeoPolitics and how we sometimes support the wrong people.




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America has to decide if it wants to continue being deceived by the Cabals or pay the price for remaining silent.

I came across this video and just wanted to explain what is going on in America. We are being manipulated for the amusement of  the Cabal.  ...