Monday, June 3, 2013

Another solution to the global financial crisis: What the populace needs to know!

These solution are so valid as to make me want to slap the leaders of all governments and wake them up.  The populace is getting tired and frustrated with their antics and want some real leadership.  Why not take steps to end the control of central banking?  It is not working.

Public Banking Conference good news: solutions already here for deficits, debt

 The solution to this problem is also obvious: prosecute obvious criminals in “leadership” in government, economics, and corporate media for fundamental fraud by lying to the 99% that debt is “money,” and lying in omission by failing to inform that public credit and money would solve all current economic issues. The public costs of this fraud are trillions of dollars, and needed-to-be-estimated harm to millions of Americans and significant totals of deaths. An alternative to criminal prosecution is Truth and Reconciliation.

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