Thursday, February 7, 2013

Audit the FED, needs your support for (S. 209))

To all citizens that support this initiative please sign this petition.  Bill introduced by Rand Paul, U.S. Senator and son for Ron Paul.

On Monday, I introduced Audit the Fed (S. 209) in the U.S. Senate to put an end to the Fed's "print-now, ask-questions-later" policies that are bankrupting every man, woman, and child in the United States.

Of course, Ben Bernanke's puppets in Congress are doing everything they can to stop folks like you from blowing the lid off the Federal Reserve.

Don't let them get away with the plundering any longer.

Read the email below from my father about how you can fight back - and be sure to sign your Audit the Fed petition to C4L IMMEDIATELY.

In Liberty,
Rand Paul, MD
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

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