Friday, January 18, 2013

America comes clean in 2013 - 1st of a series.

I am going to propose that the U.S. government comes clean in 2013 like Armstrong did recently.  What could have been one of the best hidden secrets in cycling has now been confirmed.  Armstrong cheated and like the U.S. and other governments have done with so many issues, a lie is a lie and eventually it will come out.  In a complex doping regimen Lance could no longer face the evidence from former friends that he betrayed and the governing body that oversaw the sport.  What we have as citizens of the world is an opportunity to start getting the liars to come clean, Government officials, MSM, Special interest, etc.  Start with the U.S. government from George Bush Sr. onward since many of our current Wars and financial meltdown began regarding the middle east.  They have lied about Iraq's WMD'S, the Muslim terrorist involvement in 9/11, and Serbian wars to start.   As a concerned citizen and human being I'm going to suggest we put a committee of people together that may have been ostracized and condemned for their views on the current world situation.  Forget the government agencies since they have been bought and paid for by special interest.  We need some hardcore activist that have spent the last decade documenting the criminal activity of our government.

My suggestion to help promote this investigation is Abby Martin from Russia today.  She appears to be most vocal regarding some of the lies we have been told and she is straight forward.  No doublespeak and innuendos, just the facts mam. Also Judge Napolitano, he is very direct and seems to hold his ground when facing adversity like the challenge to the 2nd amendment.  We want the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us God.

Motto for the year: Come Clean in 2013 America! the world is wiser and more aware than ever and our government can't hide behind the main stream media any longer.

I'm going to put together a list of activist and their websites to start the education of the masses in case they question what is going on is not worth their attention. Turn off the T.V. and start educating yourselves folks, you and your children's future are at a stake. 

Michael Rivero: What Really Happened.

Mike Adams: Natural News

Les Miserable: Smoking Mirrors

Fellow citizens and humans start your engines this is going to be a bumpy ride.

Blessings to all,


RIP: Aaron Swartz

Update from Veterans Today.  Who killed Aaron Swartz?

Very interesting article.

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