Saturday, October 28, 2023

To solve the Worlds Woes we have the solution which has been available to us since the dawn of humanity.


                                            The lyrics in this music says it all.

                                       Love is the Answer

The world has spoken! Will the U.S and other nations that refuse to seek "PEACE" listen? Only time will tell.

Who is leading us to WAR3?
Check this link out.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World

This book should be read by all humanity and looked at it from the perspective as a Manual for governments to control the masses. Fear, warmongering, lies, etc. have become the norm for many governments. This is well narrated and worth watching. Lies are becoming truth.

Never before in the history of human civilization have we had such an incredible amount of information so available to us literally in the palm of our hands, yet we are so ignorant, or naive (yes, there is a difference).

In the age of propaganda: War is Peace and Terrorism is freedom fighting and protecting ones sovereignty


How to recognize propaganda: 1) When given a problem, fear rather than reason is used to present the solution. 2) When you're pressured into accepting the solution. 3) When you're not allowed to question the solution. 4) When the solution involves surrendering your freedoms. 5) When your eyes see one thing, but you are compelled to believe a different thing. 6) When the solution means giving small groups of people control over larger and larger things. 7) When dissenters are censored for refusing to accept the solution. 8) When dissenters are targeted by accusations from different sources, suddenly and all at once.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

How sad is the state of the world where you can't determine the difference between right and wrong.

By now we can see who the guilty parties are to the global crisis we are facing. There is enough preponderance of evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt who the guilty parties are in my view. If you are not inclined to research and make your own conclusion it will be assumed you are on the wrong side of history.  When the majority of the world wants an end to wars, a few key countries are preventing humanity from seeking peace. It will come to fruition that terrorism was being used to create the chaos in various regions to allow a few countries carte blanche for waging wars. This is being proven over and over.

From the Series MASH Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.
Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye?
Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?
Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe.
Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.
“Brass” - Now known as oligarchs.

This is worth a look if you want to really know some truth. Caveat, this is not what the mainstream media shows.

The United States is actively prepping a war with Iran to "wipe it off the face of the Earth" according to US Senators. Military industrial complex is ramping up new orders to replace heavy weapons in the middle east. The White House says many more civilians will be killed.

Clayton, we're actively involved in 20 "conflicts"/wars. 4 in Africa alone.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

From the moment you decide to ride roughshod over creation, Karma will step in and make things right.


From the moment you decide to ride roughshod over creation,

To dominate and conquer with unbridled ambition,
You set yourself on a path of cold isolation,
A journey that will lead to your own destruction.

You trample on the world with no thought for its beauty,
Wielding your power with cruel impunity,
Ravaging the land and razing the trees,
Ignoring the cries of nature, riding rough as you please.

But in the end, all your selfishness will catch up with you,
For the wrath of the earth is a force that’s true,
And it will rise up against your callous abuse,
Bringing you to your knees, no more to refuse.

You’ll feel the weight of your actions, heavy as lead,
As your arrogance gives way to fear and dread,
And you realize the true cost of your reckless tread,
Leaving you with nothing but regrets, and longings dead.

So if you wish to ride roughshod over creation,
Think twice before embracing destruction as your mission,
For the world is a fragile and precious creation,
Deserving of your reverence, and utmost attention.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Greed, Gluttony, Lust, etc and the road to Hell: the demise of our Civilization


Cover illustration from Economist

A rough guide to Hell

Cover artwork from our 2012 Christmas double issue

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12

        This must be seen and shared by everyone. Edward Snowden speech on the new economy. More intelligence and truth than what the Economist has offered over the last 20 years.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

If your country stands for the Truth and is on the right side of history why must you lie and deny 3rd parties from verifying any evidence?

This has to be one of my biggest bone of contentions regarding media and countries that say they are democratic. Why can't the evidence speak for itself? Just like 9/11 the information on the bombing of a hospital is being withheld before any true investigation can be instituted by a 3rd party. Withholding evidence is akin to being held guilty in my view. If you can't let others do a full investigation then you must be hiding the real truth and don't want to be proven to be liars and complicit to War crimes. I can say this for the U.S. and any other country that refuses to let facts and evidence prove who is really telling the truth. If this recent atrocity is being hidden in obfuscation then the criminals should be held accountable. Most of the current issues have been on going for decades and now we are trying to prove who stands for peace, truth, sanity. If there are any intelligent species out in the cosmos they would not have anything to do with us humans. We refuse to learn from past mistakes and let a few psychopaths rule our governments. This is self-evident based on what is going on these days. Also don't forget the Fukushima nuclear disaster is still an issue and will be with us for generations. I'm glad we can spend billions on wars but can't seem to spare the funds to fix this issue. Oh my, the insanity of humanity.

New updates on the hospital bombing in Gaza

Air burst bomb on Hospital, some new facts to research.

Some videos worth reviewing and researching. The madness has to stop somewhere.

Who controls the U.S. Foreign Policies Zionists or Neo-Cons?

The more research I have done the more I have come across these two entities the more truth I find as to why we are in constant wars.  You don't hear of these special organizations in MSM because they hide behind a variety of mask that insulate them from being truly exposed.

Here are some recent links to read and determine if this is why we are constantly at War with each other.  I'm sure most Americans don't want to be involved in the Ukraine War or anything in the Middle East if possible.  Aside from this, a small group is forcing the U.S. and other European Countries to support this WAR policy. 

A perspective of Zionism from a blogger. Henry Makow

In this video, watch Professor Jeffrey Sachs speak with Dr. Heinz Gärtner at the International Conference for Peace in Vienna (June 2023). Dr. Sachs' lays out clearly and succinctly how belligerent the foreign policy of the United States is and how a small group of elites keeps dragging the country's diplomacy to the brink of nuclear war—time and again.

Dr Sachs explains a lot as to how most Americans feel about who controls our policies. We the public no longer have a say in whether our countries go to war or not. In the 1st 15 minutes he explains why. If these entities want to control the world they should get consensus from the masses. I'm sure most of the population would say no. I am positive we don't want WW3.

“In the land of the insane, the sane man seems crazy” people are shocked how right Dr. Mearsheimer has been over the years even though all he does is simply tell the truth backed with proof and evidence and state the obvious.

Western Nations need to join AA but instead of alcoholism it should now be designated WAS (War Addiction Syndrome)

Here are some items to ponder if you come across this Blog and happen to read it.  1. The cause of most wars nowadays is due to an addiction...