Sunday, September 15, 2013

History is worth knowing otherwise we repeat past mistakes.

This blog was started originally to focus on sustainable envirionments and the advancement of human culture.  I would like to share with anyone that visits this site a very interesting part of history.  Please take some time to watch this video.  Hopefully we can start persuing answers to our society ills rather than creating more with WARS and debt slavery.



Uploaded on Feb 20, 2011
In this documentary a legendary civilization thought to be too good to be true on the basis of the stories told by the Spanish explorer Francisco de Orellana, is found to be a real part of history. We can separate fact from fiction here, in that the golden riverbanks the Spaniard told of, were not golden as with precious metal strewn along them, but with something far more precious; CROPS !!
Delve into one of the most important facets of the past U will probably ever discover in this SIX PART extravaganza. It is a wonder headlines like CULTIVATION SHOCK: STARVATION IS OVER FOREVER, or GOLD ? BRING ME CHARCOAL AND I WILL BRING U ALL U CAN EAT !! did not appear immediately, and the governments of every nation brought together in celebration of the answer to questions like: Can we feed ourselves ?? Yes, a wonder.... if U are unaware things like this are indeed kept firmly under the heel of the Shooz !!!!!
Two words .. .. TERRA PRETA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One mission . . . charcolize all organic matter and return it to the Earth with the proper care, and the whirlwind we reap will be a happy one!

ADDITIONAL: Some people have seen an opportunity for commercialization of this wonder of God's grace, and actually grow high energy crops especially for charcolization. While this is viable & maybe with reasonably amiable intentions, it misses the ultimate goal that the people of El Dorado/ the Amazon basin rainforest pre-Columbus found themselves ahead of practically the rest of the world by: harmony and balance with their environment. They did not 'waste' their organic matter, their left-overs of daily life, they kept it all in the cycle and with a twist of ingenuity found a way for their 'waste' to actually become their most valuable means of survival. If we do not harness this same opportunity today, and allow the Shooz to push GM foods on us, God's wrath shall find us in the form of our very own failure at life and we will probably all be dead within a couple of hundred years, with only a few 'survivor' mutant 'elites', who suffer from nano-bot viruses that cause them to continually punch themselves where it hurts the most, and eventually they will not be able to reproduce with their relatives anymore, and mankind will fizzle out none too soon. We should use REED BEDS to process our WASTE and then harvest the reed beds - in their entirety - for production of TERRA PRETA. This way within a couple of hundred years, ALL THE SOIL could be TERRA PRETA and there would be no malnutrition, while we could rest under the shade of trees that grow taller, and pick their fruits that ripen fuller than ever before. Some may call this idealism, and I call their lack of imagination, idiotism. Here's to the magic of life, and the end of strife :)

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