Sunday, July 21, 2013

Why we logical thinking humans should not give up on our ability to thrive.

Everyday one can read about the chaos befallen us humans as our governments move closer to fascism.  Everywhere you look people are trying to stop the madness of subjugation and to some degree are winning.

For how long who knows?  The Seeds of Rebellion

I came across an article relating to the calamity facing a once prosperous city called Detroit, Michigan.  By all accounts this city should still be flourishing but with outsourcing of jobs, manufacturing, and bloated government pensions it is now facing bankruptcy.  So who is stepping in to solve the ills of this once fine city?  Of course it is the individual human that has an innate ability to use their talents and skills to solve the crisis within their community.  If governments could see how much harm they do by reducing humans to nothing but herded cattle and sheep and by the use of force and coercion they should stop it post haste.  But nothing appears to stop the blind ambitions and addictive behavior of the puppets who are given the positions and responsibility of controlling the masses. 

This is What Budget Cuts Have Done to Detroit ... And It's Freaking Awesome 


"Not surprisingly, the city government, which has no time to protect its citizens, does manage to find the time to harass peaceful citizens in this spontaneous, market order. Charles Molnar and a couple of other students from the Detroit Enterprise Academy wanted to help make benches for the city's bus stops, where long-waits are the norm, equipped with bookshelves to hold reading material.

Detroit Department of Transportation officials quickly said the bench was "unapproved" and had it taken down. Silly citizens, don't you know only governments can provide these services?"

What really strikes a cord is how the folks who can afford it the least are contributing the most to improving the community.

See this video and be prepared to be shocked.  Now you will know who is in charge of all this chaos.

Wealth Distribution Chart


Humans having fun, could this be why the ruling elite despise our individuality?



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