Monday, March 21, 2011

A blogger worth reading, “Les Visible”

Upon reading the interview with Helen Thomas and listening to the news which I don’t normally do because it has become more propaganda than news these days. Fox pays its talking heads booku bucks to brainwash the masses into thinking we Americans are purely acting on moral grounds when attacking Libya. What a crock! We supported this guy just like we support so many other despots and when given the word from the elite we attack just like a trained pit bull. No questions, just go for the jugular. It seems to work fine until another dog is in the ring and he is much swifter and smarter. Not bigger just more cunning. The age of reason has ended and the Western powers are adopting the bully pulpit these days. No country is safe including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, etc. The U.S. has been given the go ahead by the ruling 2% chosen elite to wreak havoc on humanity in whatever form is necessary.

Take a look at this write-up from a blogger I’ve been reading for some time. He nails it in a fashion most literate people can grasp. He does not sugar-coat or play footsie with the facts, I Double Dog Dare anyone to refute his assertions with facts, reason, and logic and send it to him directly. Keep the emotional out of it and just read what he has to say and research on your own. The line has been cast and now it’s up to you to either wake up or continue watching your regular scheduled program. It’s your choice.

If It Walks like a Werewolf and So on and So Forth.

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